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Understanding Retinopathy and Plaquenil: Insights from Edmonton Downtown’s Premier Optometrists

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Optometrist pointing to the back of a model eye, showing the sensitive tissue damaged in retinopathy.

In today’s bustling world, safeguarding your vision is paramount. Retinopathy, an eye disease condition affecting the retina, demands attention, especially for those on medications like Plaquenil. At the forefront of eye care, the Edmonton Downtown EyeCare Group houses leading best optometrists understand retinopathy and Plaquenil-related concerns.

Retinopathy can arise from diverse factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and certain medications. Plaquenil, a widely-used treatment for ailments like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, necessitates careful consideration due to its potential connection with retinopathy. Our skilled EyeCare Group optometrists emphasize regular eye examinations to detect early signs of retinal damage, ensuring your eyes remain in optimal health.

When it comes to comprehensive eye care and retinopathy management, trust none other than Edmonton Downtown EyeCare Group’s top-notch optometrists. Schedule an appointment today to prioritize your vision and receive expert guidance on retinopathy and Plaquenil-related concerns. Your eyes deserve the best care from the leaders in downtown Edmonton! 

Written by Kristiena Bobocel

Kristiena joined the Eye Care Group family business shortly after graduation while working on a degree in ophthalmics from NAIT. Over the years, Kristiena has worked in every aspect of the family business, from dispensing glasses and instructing contacts, to cutting and edging glasses and eventually taking on administrative duties.
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