Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

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Protecting Your Eyes is Our Primary Goal

At Eye Care Group, protecting your eyes from diseases that can manifest from age, genetics, or other factors is our top priority.

Many eye diseases are asymptomatic as they progress, meaning your sight could be compromised without you experiencing any symptoms. When it comes to eye disease, early diagnosis is critical for effective treatment and management.

Do not put your eyes at risk. Preserve your vision by booking an eye exam with us today.

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Common Eye Conditions & Diseases

Here are some of the most common eye conditions and diseases we can detect, treat, and manage.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) occurs when the macula, the central portion of the retina, deteriorates with age. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans over the age of 55. At Eye Care Group, we diagnose and manage both dry and wet AMD.

Dry AMD is caused by lipid deposits, called drusen, that form on the macula and can cause distorted vision. If dry AMD goes untreated, it can progress into wet AMD, which causes blood vessels to grow underneath the macula, leaking blood and other fluid onto the retina, distorting vision even further and potentially causing permanent vision loss.

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that occurs when the optic nerve (which links our eyes to our brain) becomes damaged. The most common form is open-angle glaucoma, caused by high intraocular pressure on the optic nerve from an excess of fluid build-up. However, glaucoma can also develop when your eyes’ internal pressure is within normal ranges, a condition called normal-tension glaucoma.

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Canadians over the age of 60. It can develop gradually and, in its early stages, symptoms often go undetected. Without diagnosis (via an eye exam) and treatment, it can lead to complete vision loss.

Cataracts are a normal part of the ageing process, and form as the lens in our eye starts to age, becoming cloudy and opaque. Eventually, the tissues in the lens begin to break down and cluster together, resulting in cloudy and hazy spots that can impair vision.

Luckily, cataracts can be managed with a stronger prescription, at least in their early stages. If they progress and vision becomes increasingly difficult, cataracts can be removed with a simple surgery.

Conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye, is an eye condition that results in red and irritated eyes. It can also cause swollen eyelids and light sensitivity.

When the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent layer covering the white portion (sclera) and the inner eyelid, become irritated or infected, the blood vessels in the conjunctiva dilate. This causes the appearance of red or “pink” eyes.

Although considered relatively minor, some forms of conjunctivitis may become more serious if not diagnosed early and treated properly. Depending on the type of conjunctivitis you contract, we may recommend drops or antibiotics as treatment.

Eye floaters are caused by a thinning of vitreous, a jelly-like substance inside your eyes. Microscopic fibres within the vitreous clump together and cast shadows onto the retina. These shadows appear as lines and spots that seemingly drift and float around your line of vision.

Eye flashers occur when the vitreous rubs or pulls on your retina, causing flashes of light or “stars” in your field of vision. As people age, it is common to see flashes occasionally. However, if you are experiencing consistent eye flashes, you should consult our office as soon as possible, to rule out any potential complications.

Our Technology

Optos Advanced Medical Testing & Screening

To better help identify issues related to the health of your eyes, our Jasper location has access to the advanced Optos Optomap imaging device. This device is able to generate extremely detailed images of your retina, revealing diseases that could pose a risk to your vision.

Some of the diseases this device can detect include glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and more!

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Convenient Location in Downtown Edmonton

A Community of Eye Care

Our eye care practice is well-established and is a clinic of choice for patients in downtown Edmonton on Jasper Ave. We are proud to offer eye exams, and other advanced eye care services such as dry eye therapy, laser eye surgery management, as well as personal styling.

Edmonton Optometrist – Jasper Ave Location

We are available for private consultations outside of our regular scheduled hours, call us to find out more!

Contact Information

Phone: 780-437-2020
Fax: 780-428-8714


10360 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 1Y7


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We are available for private consultations outside of our regular scheduled hours, call us to find out more!

Contact Information

Phone: 780-437-2020
Fax: 780-428-8714


10360 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 1Y7


10 AM5 PM
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10 AM5 PM
10 AM5 PM
11 AM6 PM
11 AM3 PM

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