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My Student plan Vision Optical-Optometrist division

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Eye care is an essential aspect of overall health, and for students in Edmonton, Eye Care Group Optometry has partnered with various educational institutions to provide vision and optometrist services through the “My Student Plan.” This plan offers students savings on their glasses purchase when they shop with Eye Care Group, and anyone carrying a My Student Vision Card can also enjoy vision savings.

Providing the Best Vision to My Student Plan members 

The demands of student life can put a strain on the eyes, with hours spent studying, reading, and using computers. Overworked eyes can lead to eye strain, headaches, and other visual issues, which can adversely impact academic performance. Therefore, Eye Care Group Optometry believes that providing the best vision possible to students can contribute to better grades and academic success.

One unique aspect of Eye Care Group’s services is their advanced lens technology. For students spending extended periods working at close range with computers, an anti-fatigue lens can help relax the eyes and the muscles around them, allowing the eyes to work more efficiently. The team of professional optometrists and opticians can help students design the best options for their eyes, considering their unique needs and daily habits.

Booking an appointment with Eye Care Group Optometry is easy, either online or by text 587-405-2127, and their team is ready to provide the best services to all students. Their partnership with various educational institutions in Edmonton, including NAIT, Grant McEwen, and Concordia University, is a testament to their commitment to providing the best possible care for students’ eyes.

In addition to providing excellent eye care, Edmonton Eye Care Group Optometry is committed to promoting the overall eye health and well-being of students. Through their “My Student Plan”, they are  offered vision health services that benefit students in various ways. For instance, students can enjoy savings on glasses. They even get, dental care, massage, and other wellness services.

In conclusion, Eye Care Group Edmonton Optometrist’s “My Student Plan” is a fantastic initiative that offers invaluable optical services to students in Edmonton. Their commitment to providing the best possible eye exam, coupled with unique lens technology, makes them a go-to choice for Edmonton students who value their vision and academic success. With their easy booking process and team of professional optometrists and opticians, students can rest assured that their vision and overall health are in safe hands.

Written by Kristiena Bobocel

Kristiena joined the Eye Care Group family business shortly after graduation while working on a degree in ophthalmics from NAIT. Over the years, Kristiena has worked in every aspect of the family business, from dispensing glasses and instructing contacts, to cutting and edging glasses and eventually taking on administrative duties.
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