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How Does Neurolens Work?

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As computer work increases, the demands on our eyes have increased exponentially. If you spend hours working on digital screens and experience uncomfortable symptoms like eye strain and headaches, you may have eye misalignment. We have eyewear for that. 

Neurolens is technologically advanced eyewear that uses contoured prism lenses to correct even the slightest eye misalignments to help improve the symptoms of binocular vision dysfunction.

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What Is Binocular Vision Dysfunction? 

Our eyes work together to create images for our brains—this is called binocular vision

Each eye sends slightly different images to the brain. The brain then merges these images and uses their differences to judge distances and coordinate eye movements. Our binocular vision lets us perceive and move around in our 3D environment. 

But even a small eye misalignment can cause

  • Headaches
  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Dizziness 
  • Light sensitivity
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • And more

This misalignment is called binocular vision dysfunction (BVD). Symptoms of BVD occur when your eyes do not send the correct signals to your brain, causing it to work harder to interpret visual information. BVD can significantly disrupt daily activities like reading, driving, and using digital devices.

How Does Computer Use Affect BVD? 

Digital eye strain is common for those who work for at least 2 hours on a computer. It can cause similar symptoms as BVD, including: 

  • Blurry or double vision
  • Tired or burning eyes
  • Trouble focusing or switching your gaze
  • Twitching eyelids
  • Headaches
  • Dry eye

Eye strain occurs when the eyes become fatigued from prolonged use, particularly when focusing on a specific task or object for an extended period. 

Focusing on objects, especially digital screens, requires the eye muscles to continuously adjust and maintain focus. Prolonged use of these muscles without breaks can lead to strain and fatigue. Reduced blinking, screen glare, and uninterrupted use can all contribute to the eyes’ fatigue and discomfort. These symptoms are collectively known as digital eye strain.

If you have BVD, you may find that your symptoms intensify while working on computers. The strain arises from the effort the eyes exert to maintain alignment and focus on digital screens combined with the effects of digital eye strain.  

How Do I Know if My Eyes Are Misaligned?

If you are concerned about your eyesight or visual comfort, the best thing to do is bring it up with our eye doctors. They can perform the necessary tests to check your eyes and provide you with strategies for improving your comfort. However, some subtle signs or persistent discomforts may indicate an underlying issue with your eye alignment:

  • Recurring headaches following digital screen use that intensify with prolonged screen time and persist after screen use stops
  • Constant eye strain, even after brief sessions of reading or screen work
  • Episodes of blurred or double vision during or after focused visual tasks
  • Difficulty maintaining focus, especially when shifting between near and far distances
  • Neck or shoulder pain alongside eye discomfort

Neurolens also provides a handy assessment tool on their website. In just a few minutes, you can find out if you are a candidate for Neurolenses. And when you get the results, give our eye doctors a call

How Does Neurolens Help Improve Eye Misalignment?

Neurolens is specifically designed to address BVD and improve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with eye misalignment while correcting your refractive error, like nearsightedness or farsightedness. 

Neurolens glasses use customized contoured prism lenses created based on your specific eye alignment measurements. The prisms help redirect the incoming light to make it easier for your eyes to work together and alleviate the strain when they attempt to realign themselves.

The idea behind Neurolens technology is to provide a more comfortable visual experience by reducing the effort your eyes exert to maintain alignment, especially when performing digital or near work.

Studies have shown that Neurolens glasses can significantly reduce the symptoms of digital eye strain and BVD, improving eye strain, blurred vision, and headaches. 

How Long Does It Take Neurolens to Work? 

Like any new glasses, there is an adjustment period, and your adjustment period will be personal to you. 

Some people experience immediate relief, while others need to experience a full day at work or longer to realize they did not get a headache or other symptoms. There is no standardized timeline for how long it takes for Neurolens to work because the severity of symptoms, individual eye conditions, and how the brain adapts vary so much between people. 

However, more than 80% of wearers report that Neurolenses effectively relieved their symptoms when they wore them for at least 60 days.

The Neurolens Eye Alignment Assessment

Your Neurolens journey begins with an eye exam. You may be given a questionnaire to help determine the extent of your symptoms and their impact on your daily life, and then your eye misalignment will be measured using a specialized device.

This device is called the N3 and looks a bit like virtual reality glasses. It takes fast, accurate, and repeatable measurements of your eyes down to a fraction of a prism diopter

These measurements inform your prescription and are used to fabricate your Neurolens glasses. 

Find Relief from Your Eye Misalignment

There is no need to live with the uncomfortable symptoms of binocular vision dysfunction. Contact our team at Eye Care Group today to schedule an eye exam and talk about Neurolens with one of our eye doctors. We are here to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision for your eye health.

Written by Kristiena Bobocel

Kristiena joined the Eye Care Group family business shortly after graduation while working on a degree in ophthalmics from NAIT. Over the years, Kristiena has worked in every aspect of the family business, from dispensing glasses and instructing contacts, to cutting and edging glasses and eventually taking on administrative duties.
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