EyeCare Optometric Group gives back—and this time, we’re supporting Operation Christmas Child!
EyeCare Group is committed to supporting our community and those less fortunate, which we’ve done for over 20 years. This year, we chose to support Operation Christmas Child.

This Canadian charity provides shoeboxes filled with essential goods to children in need around the world. We are happy to announce this year’s Operation Christmas Child boxes have now been received, filled, and delivered to the depot for shipping!
EyeCare Group would like to send a big thank you to our Edmonton and St. Albert patients and our heartwarming community for helping to fill the boxes with donations and support 💕. This Christmas is going to be very special for many children because of your gracious giving.
EyeCare Group understands that during uncertain times, it’s more important now than ever to give back. It’s so rewarding to be part of the Operation Christmas Child charity, as EyeCare Group was responsible for donating 100 pairs of sunglasses to this wonderful cause.

Once again, thank you to our loyal and compassionate clients for helping us make so many children’s Christmas special this year!