Senior Eye Exams in Edmonton

Book Your Appointment

Preserve Your Vision into Your Golden Years

It’s not uncommon to hear about vision problems developing as you get older. Plenty of eye conditions and diseases, like age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, have an increased chance to affect your vision at this age than ever before.

However, this doesn’t mean you’re completely exposed to these issues. By attending regular eye exams, we can help preserve and protect your vision so you can enjoy your eyes to their fullest ability.

Please, book your appointment with us today!

What to Expect: Our Process

During our comprehensive eye exam, we will conduct tests to assess your visual acuity (sharpness of vision) and determine if you require prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. This test includes reading the eye chart and testing binocular vision, depth perception, ocular motility, colour blindness, and more. 

Thorough testing will also be done to determine the overall state of your eye health. We use several cutting-edge diagnostic techniques and testing procedures to detect signs of common eye diseases, so that they can be addressed as soon as possible. 

Be Prepared! Tips For a Successful Eye Exam

At the Eye Care Group, we want your exam to be as thorough as possible. To serve you better, here are some preparation tips for your next eye exam.

Please bring:

  • Your insurance information
  • A list of any questions you may have or concerns you would like to address
  • A list of all medications or other supplements you are currently taking
  • Your current eyeglasses or contact lenses (if applicable)
  • A list of your eye history and your family’s medical history

Common Eye Issues Seniors Face

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common eye problems seniors face. This disease affects the macula, a part of your retina that is responsible for providing you your central vision. As this disease progresses, it deteriorates your macula, eventually leading to vision loss.

AMD can develop for a long time without showing symptoms. The only way to detect it before it damages your vision is by attending regular eye exams.

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common diseases that can develop when you have diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when blockages in the vessels behind your retina begin to form, causing the retina to develop new, but fragile, blood vessels.

Because of how delicate these new vessels are, they can break and leak fluids into your retina and macula, causing vision loss.

According to some studies, cataracts are the most common cause of blindness around the globe. Cataracts develop when the crystalline lens in your eyes becomes more rigid and opaque, causing a milky or cloudy appearance to take over the lens. 

If left untreated, it could lead to severe vision loss that can only be treated by cataract surgery.

Diabetes & Eye Health

Diabetes can cause a variety of problems with your health. The disease can spread around your body and eventually can affect your teeth, heart, and eyes. You can run the risk of developing diabetes if you’re overweight, have a family history of the disease, or if by growing older.

If you believe you’re experiencing symptoms of diabetes, please book your appointment or visit our Diabetic Eye Exams page for more information.

Convenient Location in Downtown Edmonton

A Community of Eye Care

Our eye care practice is well-established and is a clinic of choice for patients in downtown Edmonton on Jasper Ave. We are proud to offer eye exams, and other advanced eye care services such as dry eye therapy, laser eye surgery management, as well as personal styling.

Edmonton Optometrist – Jasper Ave Location

We are available for private consultations outside of our regular scheduled hours, call us to find out more!

Contact Information

Phone: 780-437-2020
Fax: 780-428-8714


#125-10220 103 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 0K4


10 AM5 PM
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We are available for private consultations outside of our regular scheduled hours, call us to find out more!

Contact Information

Phone: 780-437-2020
Fax: 780-428-8714


#125-10220 103 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 0K4


10 AM5 PM
10 AM5 PM
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10 AM5 PM
11 AM6 PM
11 AM3 PM

Our Eye Care Services

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